What is an Egg Incubator?

An egg incubator basically is an egg hatching machine. Egg hatching machines are now widely preferred for the poultry business. Egg incubators provide chickens after finely hatching the eggs. The egg incubator creates perfect temperature for the egg hatching process resulting in healthy chickens. The incubators have improved the business of poultry farmers and thus the revenue generation for them has increased. The incubators have made the egg hatching very easy and fast. The hatching in the machine is safe and secure as compared to the hens hatching their eggs. Sometimes the hens forget to hatch the eggs or sometimes the eggs get attacked by other animals which end up as a loss for poultry farmers. How does an Egg Incubator Work? The egg hatching machine is filled up with water and the temperature is adjusted as per the requirement. The perfect humid conditions are created for the process of egg hatching which takes up to 21 days for chicken formation depending upon the co...